I often hear people say “I’m waiting for my motivation to come back” or “When I get my motivation back I’ll start……”, even “when I’m in the right mind frame”.
Well I’m about to tell you that motivation isn’t coming and no matter who you are or what you do, everyone has those moments of being unmotivated. Here’s five reasons why people tend to lose motivation and what you can do about it.
- Focusing on the negatives.
If you’re someone that tends to see the negative things in life first and also focuses on the ‘bad’ things around you, then you’re probably thinking “why should I even bother if nothing good will happen anyway?”
Start by making some changes to your outlook. Pay attention to the positive things in your life and focus on what you have rather than not have. Being grateful for the things you have, will enable you to build on your intrinsic motivation, meaning you will not need any external rewards to be motivated and perform well. - Setting unrealistic goals
Often, people will set themselves goals that are unrealistic, which are hard to reach and lead to giving up. Why? Because there is no feeling of accomplishment or achievement.
Setting smaller goals that are measurable and achievable will help with motivation, as the sense of achievement comes from ticking off each small goal that you have achieved that day or week and will gradually help you get closer to achieving the long term goal. - No clear vision of the benefits
When people lose motivation, they may not have a clear vision of the potential rewards and benefits of their success. This is especially so when the road to a particular goal or success is a long one and motivation needs to be maintained over a prolonged period of time.
This negative way of thinking can come into play here again, as people may get ‘bogged down’ in thinking about the hurdles and difficulties they will need to overcome in order to reach their goal. Rather than visualising the rewards and benefits at the end, they are focusing on the hard work along the way, which has an unmotivating effect. - No self belief
As sad as it seems, a lack of self-belief can be intensely crippling and lead to a long series of unmotivated events. Motivation may come and go in this sort of situation. When people don’t think they can do it, this is backed up by an ongoing feeling of not being adequate to the task or not being good enough to achieve goals and targets.
Setting smaller, achievable goals can help to remedy this ghastly condition! Feeling little bursts of achievements can help to maintain motivation over a prolonged period of time and in turn, works to increase participation and effort. - Being disorganised
Lastly, people can be so disorganised! People often lose sight of their goals because of unnecessary distractions. Continually having to ‘get back on track’ can make the process of maintaining motivation so much more difficult than it needs to be.
Individuals may benefit from setting out a plan for themselves outlining the steps and path required to achieve goals and targets. Setting up regularly reminders and motivating pop-ups can also work to keep people on track and of course, continue to maintain their levels of motivation!
Well I hope this helps you get your motivation back and if you want some help with your motivation give us a ring on 02 42445636 and have a chat to us with how we can help you!

Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels