Are you trauma aware?

by | Jun 24, 2020 | Mental Health

workplace training

Are you an employee or employer? Are your staff and colleagues aware of trauma and its impact on the workplace? 

We’re launching a new series of workshops giving people the skills they need to be able to respond to trauma in the workplace, to work in a supportive and sensitive way with those who have experienced trauma. 

As businesses deal with the compounded impacts of economic downturn, COVID-19, bushfires and drought, it’s more important than ever that we’re training our staff to be trauma-aware in the workplace. 

Shanna White, the Director of Cognitive Behavioural Education and a member of the team here at Dr Olga Lavalle & Associates, will be hosting a series of workshops in July and August, to arm people with the understanding, skills and strategies they need to be trauma aware in the workplace.

“Trauma is part of the human experience, and all people will have dealt with some form of trauma in their lives – this means your staff, customers, colleagues and clients may all have trauma they’re processing,” says Shanna. 

“The training recognises the importance of being informed about trauma, and is relevant to anyone who works with children and adults – from allied health professionals to insurance claim managers and everyone in between.”

People may experience trauma at work, or may have experienced trauma outside of work, but still be processing it. Or as a professional service provider, you might be liaising with clients and customers who have trauma in their past or present. 

“The workshops teach how to use a trauma-informed lens at work – they empower all workers to develop strategies and resources to support the emotional, cognitive and psychological development of the people they encounter; both directly and indirectly,” says Shanna.  

Participants in the workshops will come away with practical tips to help staff to engage in a respectful and supportive way.
The workshops will also offer tips on managing your own mental health, especially if your job means you’re in a role where you interact with vulnerable people who have experienced intense trauma.

The workshops will be delivered online, with full-day and evening options available. 

The four cornerstones of trauma-informed practice are: 

  1. Neurobiology: What do we know? Exploring the neurodevelopmental consequences of trauma across the lifespan. 
  2. Presentation: What do we see? Recognising how people and organisations who have experienced trauma behave.
  3. Intervention: What do we do? Strategies on how to manage trauma-driven interactions and organisations. 
  4. Wellbeing: What do we change? Identifying and addressing the effect of trauma on workers, and how to manage our own mental health.

The workshops will take place online in July and August and places are limited.

Friday 17 July: Trauma Informed Practice Skills for working with children and adolescents.

Friday 31 July: Trauma Informed Practice Skills – A toolkit for adults and organisations.

Commencing 3 August (4 weekly evening sessions): T.I.P.S for working with children and adolescents.

Get in touch to find out more, or visit our training page to book your place.

Written by Olga Lavalle

Olga is registered as a Clinical Psychologist with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. She provides psychological services under Medicare, is an Employee Assistance Program provider and an approved WorkCover NSW provider. Additionally, Olga consults to workplace and community sporting organisations.

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