Did someone say study?
Being motivated is essential to be a successful student; however, it is not always something that comes easily. Studying and completing assessments can be stressful and bring on strong and difficult feelings that make it harder to do.
It is much easier to stay on track with studies when you are focusing on a positive outcome (e.g. Studying will help me pass my final exam) as focusing on unwanted outcomes (e.g. if I fail, my life is over). Focusing on unwanted outcome generally add to one’s feelings of stress and anxiety and actually decrease motivation to do the things you need to! If you notice you are having trouble staying focused during study, reflect on whether you are focusing on the potential bad outcomes around study and if you are; try and refocus on what the potential rewards for completing the task might be.
If you are finding it hard to get started with study here are a few ideas that might assist you:
- Plan your study: Take time at the beginning of term/semester to record when tasks are due for each subject. Try to prioritise the more important study tasks. Set reminders on your phone or use a calendar to help you stay on track. Try and get into a consistent study routine to help with your concentration and focus.
- Set achievable goals: Use smaller goals to keep you motivated when studying rather than thinking about everything you need to do. For example, if you have an assignment with 20 questions rather than sitting down and doing the whole things at once, do a set number of questions across a few nights in the weeks leading up to the due date.
- Study in a group: Getting together with other students with similar can help ensure that you maintain your commitment to studying and can help with the learning process.
- Take Breaks: If you find you are having trouble concentrating take a short break. If you find that you can easily get side tracked during breaks set an alarm for 10-15 minutes to remind you to get back to study
- Keep the balance: Make a plan that allows for time for study, leisure and social activities. Find time for exercise and try and maintain a good diet and sleep routine.
If you continue to experience difficulties with your studies and need to talk to someone about how reduce your stress around studies, our psychologists are here to help.
Ring us on 42445636 and we are happy to talk to you about how we can help you
Author Janelle Gallagher