Just DO IT!

by | Nov 5, 2019 | Motivation

Just DO IT!

 So, you’re feeling overwhelmed? Well, who isn’t?

Yep, we’re all feeling stressed, worried, trying to work, look after kids, (and it doesn’t matter if they are 19 and 21). They’re still your kids, aren’t they????? They still need advice, guidance and support through life. Don’t forget that, because you’ll need them in your old age to help you so keep sticking around!

Then there’s trying to fit in exercise, housework, groceries, maybe look after elderly parents, etc., etc.,etc. Get the picture?

Right so are you sitting there with a racing heart, or feeling irritable, your mind running everywhere and continually going over everything so that you don’t forget?

Well, welcome to the emotion called ‘OVERWHELM’.  Now that you’re barely breathing let me tell you how to catch your breath and start to feel that you are in control and are making progress.

Follow these steps…….

  1. Just stop everything and sit quietly for 5 minutes and just breath. Yes, five minutes is not going to end the world, so relax, close your eyes, slow your breathing and start counting your breaths.
    Phew that feels good.
  2. Now ask yourself, what are you exactly overwhelmed about? What particular thought is overwhelming you. That’s right I know you’re about saying “I don’t know”. So take a seat and pay attention to what you’re saying to yourself. Is it “ how am I going to get everything done?, “I don’t have enough time” or “there’s so much to do”.Well, okay, your right! There is a lot to do, no you’re not going to get everything done, and guess what, the list is just going to keep growing even when you get things done. WHY?  Because it’s endless and welcome to the real world, so stop sweating the small stuff, remember life is short, enjoy life, and by the way there’s no reward for getting everything done because you never will. The reward is a feeling of accomplishment and achievement of just getting some things done! 
  3. Now you want to get some things done? Of course, you do. Keep it simple and make a list of everything you need to do. (So you can get even more overwhelmed….just kidding).Now it’s not about everything getting done, but things that you can get done. Start doing one thing at a time and then smile when you tick things off. How great is it to feel that sense of accomplishment and achievement, and even a sense of control. 
  4. When you do things, stay on task. Finish one thing before you move onto another, otherwise more overwhelm.    
  5. If you get a chance to spend some time alone, put the phone away, get off the iPad, and start tackling things one at a time.

 By the way, it doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s about taking imperfect action, not procrastinating and just doing it.

Yours in Mental Health

Ps: Feeling overwhelmed and stressed? Ring us on 02 42445636 to see how we can help you.

Credit: Photo by Pixabay








Written by Olga Lavalle

Olga is registered as a Clinical Psychologist with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. She provides psychological services under Medicare, is an Employee Assistance Program provider and an approved WorkCover NSW provider. Additionally, Olga consults to workplace and community sporting organisations.

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