Our Psychology Clinic

Psychology and therapy services in Wollongong New South Wales

Dr Olga Lavalle & Associates is a private psychology practice located in the heart of Wollongong. Our psychologists provide our clients with empathetic, professional assistance in understanding and coping with thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, working towards positive change and improved wellbeing.

We assist people in flourishing by highlighting how psychology is relevant to everyday living, and applying psychology skills for people to achieve their life goals.

Our psychology clinic provides a variety of services, including individual therapy for adults, adolescents, and children, as well as relationship counselling and family counselling.

Our team are highly qualified and experienced Clinical Psychologists and Psychologists that provide evidenced based treatments for mental health, wellbeing and personal development.


Finalist – Start Up Superstar IMB Bank Illawarra Business Awards 2019   





Winner! We are proud to be have been awarded the IWIB Best New Business 2019.






Mapping out your journey to future success


Tapping into the strengths you have


Navigating the good and the not so good


Celebrating personal wins and investing in yourself

We always strive to provide a professional service for the benefit of our staff, clients, and visitors.

We adhere to professional ethical standards.

We support and accept all individuals for who they are and work in a non-judgmental environment to help all clients achieve their goals.

We are committed to developing collaborative partnerships with other health professionals involved in your care to achieve positive outcomes for all clients.

We are committed to competently provide evidenced based treatment and keep up to date with best practice principle through ongoing professional development.


To motivate, inspire and provide evidenced based treatment leading to positive outcomes for all individuals.

To help people flourish through the provision of quality applied psychology services.

To highlight how psychology is relevant to everyday living.

To contribute to the continued development of the discipline of psychology.

To deliver best practice psychology services in a therapeutic environment. 

Our vision for our clients:

  • To experience a high-quality service.
  • To experience a reliable service, one that is responsive and does what it says it will do.
  • To feel respected by our practitioners.

To achieve this vision we will commit to our mission and objectives, be guided by our values, and regularly review and improve our practices, services and conduct.

Welcome, thanks for dropping by.

You may have found this site because you are considering psychology for yourself or someone you care about. Taking the first step and making initial contact is never easy.

Life is rarely without its challenges. There are some days that can be so overwhelming that it seems impossible to move on. Whether it’s the death of a loved one, overwhelming feelings of anxiety or anything else causing you distress in your day-to-day life, it’s important you know that help is available for every problem life throws your way.

We all have a bit of a negative voice in our head from time to time. But if your negative self-talk is stopping you from doing what you want or need to do in your life, then it’s not helping you and it has to go.

Your recurring problems will directly be related to your self-talk, beliefs and values. If you or a loved one are experiencing consistent problems, or are just sick of the negative chatter, please feel welcome to get in touch.

Old Ideas or Habits Limit Us

Habits are the small decisions you make and actions you perform every day. Your life today is essentially the sum of your habits. What you consistently do ultimately forms the person you are, the things you believe, and the personality that you portray.

The problem is not the old ideas or habits, the problem is that we hold onto the belief that these old ways and attachments are holding life together and are the only way.

But what if… really think about it… what if there is another way? What if things could be different? What if you could do things differently? What if you could be happier?

We can teach you strategies and we can support you to work through the transition from your old ways to new ways.

Rates & Fees

Please contact Dr Olga Lavalle directly to discuss fees.



To be able to claim the Medicare rebate, you will need to see your GP to discuss your eligibility. If suitable, your GP will formulate a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP), to receive a Medicare rebate. Payment is required at the time of your appointment and you will receive a rebate on the spot into a nominated bank

With a MHCP you are entitled up to 10 sessions per calendar year, with 6 initial
sessions, followed by a review by your GP regarding an additional 4 sessions of treatment if required.

A GP MHCP with a referral is necessary if attending sessions under Medicare.


Private Health Funds

Private Health Funds:

Many private health funds provide a rebate for sessions with a psychologist. Please contact your fund to enquire about the whether you are covered.



Please contact us for fees for self-managed clients and plan-managed clients.




Our psychologists are approved WorkCover providers for psychological injury in the workplace.

You will require a referral from a GP or Psychiatrist stipulating that psychological services are required, and you will require approval from your employers’ workers
compensation insurer.

Fees are charged directly to the insurer if they have approved your treatment.



We provide treatment for psychological injuries from Motor Vehicle Accidents. You will require a referral from your GP stipulating that psychological services are required. You will require approval from the CTP insurer.

Fees are charged directly to the insurer if they have approved your treatment.




If you require a report, please contact us directly for the cost.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a Referral?
If you would like to claim the Medicare Rebate, you will need to see your GP to discuss your suitability. If eligible, your GP will give you a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP, meaning that you are allowed up to 10 sessions per calendar year with a Medicare Rebate.

If you are coming under WorkCover, or for a Motor Vehicle Accident, you will need a referral from your current treating doctor stating that psychological services are required.

You do not need a referral if you are attending as a private client or under your Private Health Insurance. Many private health funds will offer a rebate for sessions with a psychologist however, you should contact your health fund to discuss if you are covered.

What is your cancellation/no-show policy?
If you need to cancel or postpone your appointment 24 hours’ notice is required otherwise a fee is charged. There is no Medicare or Health Fund rebates available for this fee.
Who can I contact for emergencies or crisis situations?
For any emergency assistance ring 000

For Crisis Support 24/7

• Lifeline– 131 114
• Mental Health Emergency Response Line – 1300 555 788
• Suicide Call Back Service -1300 659 467
• Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
• MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78
• Family Drug Support 1300 368 186

What should I expect at my first psychology appointment?
When you arrive at our practice, you will be asked to fill out some paperwork. This will include basic personal information and a consent form that covers issues such as confidentiality and a cancellations policy.

In the first session, we talk about issues that have brought you into therapy and your psychologist will ask questions relevant to your background history. This will include information about your family, social relationships, work history and any past treatment you may have had. Your psychologist will then discuss with you your treatment options and will make specific goals with you for you to achieve.

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